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Making a Safeguarding Referral

Referring a Safeguarding issue to the District Safeguarding Team

If you have an enquiry or need to seek advice from the District Safeguarding Team (DST) in relation to a generic and non-urgent safeguarding or policy issue, please complete the Safeguarding Generic Enquiry Form.

If you need to consult or advise the DST about an allegation or safeguarding incident relating to a child or adult in your church/circuit, or you are contacted by another agency regarding someone who might pose a risk then you should use the Safeguarding Notification and Referral Form. The form is designed to be filled in on your PC, but you need to save it to your PC first.

Completed forms which contain personal information relating to a concern or an individual should be sent by email using encrypted software such as Galaxkey or as a password protected word document. Passwords should be provided to the recipients using a different means to the original email (section 5.2 of the Methodist Safeguarding policy).

All safeguarding enquiries, notifications and referrals should be sent to: This inbox will be reviewed daily during office hours.

If you believe that you or someone is in immediate danger, please call 999 or 101

Get In Touch

Postal Address: c/o Northampton Methodist District

Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Bedford Road, Northampton, NN4 7YD

Telephone: 01604 630128


District Map

© 2025 – Registered Charity no. 1130373