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We are committed to journeying with the Circuits and Churches of the Northampton District as part of the Methodist's Churches Conference commitment to becoming Net-Zero by 2030. As a District, we see this commitment as a missional priority and the relationship with our planet as an instrumental part of our stewardship.

We realise that this journey is not an easy one, nor is it one that any one community can do alone. As a result, in 2023, we began our District Eco-Summit gatherings on zoom.

What is the District Eco-Summit?

It is a gathering of Church and Circuit representatives from across the Northampton District. The meeting takes place on Zoom in the evening and often lasts up to 90 minutes. It is a chance to listen, share and learn in an inclusive environment about how we can make a positive impact on our planet.

Who can attend a Zoom Eco-Summit?

Anyone! If you're a part of a community within the Northampton District you are very welcome to attend.

If you would like to attend, please contact the District office:

What are the dates for the Eco-Summit?

  • Tuesday 29th October 2024 @ 7:30pm on Zoom (revised date)

Can I read about the previous Eco-Summits?

Absolutely; see to the right-hand side of the page.

Get In Touch

Postal Address: c/o Northampton Methodist District

Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Bedford Road, Northampton, NN4 7YD

Telephone: 01604 630128


District Map

© 2025 – Registered Charity no. 1130373