The role of the Learning Network is to equip and resource the Methodist Church through a wide range of contextually relevant learning and development opportunities.
As well as developing work from what comes out of the Conference and the Connexional Learning & Development Forum, the Learning Network also works alongside districts, circuits and churches to be places of lifelong learning and sharing.
Each officer of the Learning Network is aligned to a district to allow the team to listen, communicate and respond on a district and circuit level. Through their aligned officer, districts, circuits and churches also have access to the wider Learning Network team, each of whom brings a variety of specialist skills. Together we seek to resource the life and mission of the church, and you will find ideas for worship, pastoral care, inclusivity, circuit stewards and vocational discernment – to name just a few!
We are currently recruiting the Learning & Development Officer aligned to the Northampton District. In the meantime, if you are part of the Northampton District and would like support from the Learning Network, please contact Tricia Mitchell:
You can find full details of the work of the Learning Network and the latest learning and development opportunities by clicking here or connect with us on Facebook.
See a list of some of the Learning Network Events 2024-25 or follow this link for more detailed descriptions of learning opportunities.
To keep up to date with the latest news and events you can subscribe to our monthly Learning and Development Newsletter here.
Postal Address: c/o Northampton Methodist District
Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Bedford Road, Northampton, NN4 7YD
Telephone: 01604 630128