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Mission in Milton Keynes

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On a sunny but Autumnal Saturday morning, the Circuit leadership team of the Milton Keynes Circuit gathered at a neighbouring Circuit Chapel in Thornbourgh. With a new staff team, new members of the CLT, and some invited guests. The critical question on the agenda was:

What does the future mission and ministryof the Milton Keynes Methodist Circuit look like?

That's the question that the Milton Keynes Circuit Leadership Team invited the District Mission Team and the Evangelism and Growth Team to come and share

With help from Abi Jarvis (Discipleship and Faith Formation Officer) the CLT engaged in activities to get to know one another. This consisted of sharing an item that told something of their own faith story. (the items pictured on the right hand side)

After this activity, our attention turned to the Methodist Way of Life resource. In the Methodist church, there are 12 practices that we think particularly help us to encounter God. We call this A Methodist Way of Life. Each practice is a station on the journey where we meet God and grow in faith. So the CLT walked and engaged in the Methodist Way of Life map and linked this to their work as the CLT.

From this positive engagement with the Methodist Way of Life resource came the conversation of what the dreams for the future are for Circuit. This conversation involved the CLT speaking from their own experiences and the unique context of Milton Keynes. There were some inspiring ideas that we pray God's blessing on.

The day ended with an encouyrgement to consider forming a New Places for New People Circuit team that would seek to bring proposalsforward to the CLT soon.

For me, as the Mission team leader, the question being asked is similar to that of many areas in our District. What is God's plan and future for us in ___ you fill in the blank? One thing I am certain of through this day with the Milton Keynes CLT is that God spoke and moved in a powerful way to give ideas, boldness, and, I hope, a way forward.

So my encouragement to you reading this if you want to support in how to ask that question above or similar, why not get in contact with me on:

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Postal Address: c/o Northampton Methodist District

Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Bedford Road, Northampton, NN4 7YD

Telephone: 01604 630128


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