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Little Doves toddler group

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Hope Methodist Church, Higham Ferrers

We're really pleased to share the story of Little Doves, an initiative set up by Hope Methodist Church. Read below to hear the story!

'Can you help us? Since Covid, all previous provision for under 5s in our area has ended and our community needs somewhere for them to meet and help to make stronger links again.' This was followed by the music to the ears offer of 'and we volunteer to help you.'

In response, Hope's representatives briefly mentioned the need for a God slot as an integral part of the sessions. This was greeted immediately by the petitioners with -'They would be coming to a church, so the carers would expect to hear something about God, where else if not?'. God was certainly ahead of us with the preparation, opening up the way forward.

The plea was heard, shared with Hope's Church Council who readily gave their backing, and Little Doves began.

Hope Methodist Church successfully applied for a start-up grant from the Northampton District. Extra questions were asked and we were appreciative of their interest. The money came through very quickly. We were extremely grateful for this as it has enabled the group to provide the necessary storage, play equipment and resources for the group.

Little Doves Group now reaches families of pre-school children in the locality even during the holidays. It provides them with the encouragement and support to develop a relationship with each other as well as with God in a safe environment within our changing world. We listen, laugh a lot as well as share concerns.

We would wholeheartedly recommend looking at the possibility of setting up such an initiative in your Church if there is a similar need. We have been surprised by the encouragement, joy, lovely relaxed atmosphere and positive feedback so freely received from carers. Our first session saw 18 adults and 38 children attend, so it is very well worthwhile. 

Our Facebook page: Little Doves – Hope Methodist Church.

  • Little Doves Team

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Postal Address: c/o Northampton Methodist District

Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Bedford Road, Northampton, NN4 7YD

Telephone: 01604 630128


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